Hari / Tanggal : Selasa / 4 Agustus 2020
Kelas : 5
B. Study : Lab. Bahasa Inggris
Tema : School
Sub Tema : School Object (Paragraph)
Pembelajaran ke : 3
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat membaca sebuah paragraf dan dapat memahami isi paragraf tersebut
Cobalah berlatih membaca.
Hello, my name is Maryam, and I am 10 years old. I go to a private school called SD Al Azhar Lampung. I’m in 5TH grade. In our class there are 28 students, 16 girls and 12 boys.
I have a big and nice classroom. My homeroom teacher is Miss Nadira and she like decorating the walls of the class with posters and our work. In our class there is a computer and whiteboard.
My desk and my chair are brown. On my desk, I put my pencil case. It has a good color. In my pencil case I have many things, there are a red sharpener, two pencil, a rubber, three markers, a glue and a purple pen.
I do love my school.
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